Build strong relationships with your customers, prospects and collaborators using one single CRM System



Increase your sales with Paradiso CRM Software

Your customers will always be located at the centre of your business and we know it, that’s why we are determined to developing cloud-based systems that allow you to focus on what matters and make it easy for you and your collaborators to do a great job.

Our unique CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) approach will give you a general perspective of your business contacts and will allow you to make strategic decisions to keep your team on track, whether you’re looking for a small business CRM or one that can take you to the next level, the Paradiso CRM will adapt to your needs.

Paradiso CRM Features


Get all the information, features, data and evolution process of your customers in one place. Our CRM dashboard is fully customizable to match your company’s branding and specific necessities.

Paradiso CRM Features - Dashboard
Paradiso CRM Features - Reports


Manage and analyze all your customers and clients data easily with our Advanced Report feature that is fully customizable and able to drop out data about different parts of the sales process, the performance of the platform or the effectiveness of the strategies.

Custom CRM:

Customize your Customer Relationship Manager as you want to give it a look and feel according to your company branding theme. Also, get the chance to choose your own features as needed, get precise and customized data or adapt your CRM platform to match the different necessities of your company’s branches.

Paradiso CRM Features - Custom CRM
Paradiso CRM Features - Single SignOn

Single Sign-On:

Easily connect with other software platforms like HR or LMS with smoothness thanks to the Single Sign-On feature. You won’t have to worry about remembering multiple passwords or accesing several platforms to navigate.

User Sync:

We understand that using multiple platforms can be a headache. With the user sync feature of Paradiso CRM, you will be able to manage and store all the information of your customers/employees to be available in all the platforms that you integrate it with.

Paradiso CRM Features - User Sync
Paradiso CRM Features - Sales Process Automation

Sales Process Automation:

With Paradiso CRM all the process from lead acquisition to the final deal closing could be automated and tracked. The CRM will provide a guideline so that your sales team can handle all the information that keeps coming as the sale goes on.

Lead Management:

CRM is the perfect tool to provide the best customer service. With our software, your sales team will be able to manage, arrange and follow the process with every potential client. Plus, the lead manager can be used as a form to analyze the kind of market you’re reaching and the effectiveness of the strategy.

Paradiso CRM Features - Lead Management
Paradiso CRM Features - Email templates and Marketing

Email templates and marketing:

Get your marketing strategy ongoing with Paradiso CRM platform. You will be able to provide tailored marketing pieces to your customers according to their behaviour and that way male a more effective and engaging process.


Close the contracts easily with our CRM system. This tool is available to emit bills and create them fulfilling every company’s specific necessities. You can get branding, with a fully customizable tool that will let you manage every part of the billing process.

Paradiso CRM Features - Invoicing

Speak to one of our Experienced IT Consultants

    Turn your prospects into customers and take customers one step further with the Paradiso CRM.

    Contact us for a free trial

    A CRM that fits your business

    Besides managing your sales processes, our CRM software can even go as far as triggering the workflow to other departments based on the recent activity performed with contacts, companies or customers in your database.

    This state of the art system also facilitates direct communication for sales or marketing purposes, while it provides you with valuable data in the form of graphics, plus additional tools that will help your collaborators perform better and identify opportunities faster.

    Paradiso Software's CRM system

    • Foster customer relationships
    • Collaborative teamwork
    • Your sales agents will be more proactive
    • Cost Savings
    • Increase the capacity to close deals
    • Client service performance highly increasing
    • Better ROI (Return of Investment)
    • Decreased customer desertion

    Our e-learning Management System integrates with

    After implementing a CRM system businesses have seen their revenue increase up to 41 % and you can do the same.

    Download Resources

    Paradiso shares some free resources proven to deliver direct impact on your organization’s revenues