Custom AI Solutions for your Organization

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An eLearning solution with near-perfect reviews on G2 & Capterra & more.




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    About Our AI Consulting service

    Unlock the transformative power of AI with Paradiso AI Strategy Consulting. Our expert consultants develop tailored AI strategies to drive tangible results, from optimizing processes with intelligent automation to leveraging AI innovation and services for data-driven insights. We provide end-to-end support, ensuring seamless AI integration and maximizing business growth. Achieve transformative results with our comprehensive AI consulting services.

    Paradiso AI Consulting Offerings

    Discover why Paradiso AI Consulting is the preferred choice for businesses seeking to harness the power of AI for transformative growth and innovation.

    Use Case Identification and Assessment

    We have done 50+ AI solutions projects which have given us practical insights into which use cases work best for a particular industry or department. Paradiso AI Strategy Consulting Service begins with identifying and assessing potential AI use cases within your organization. Our experts work with you to pinpoint areas where AI can deliver the most significant impact, ensuring that each use case aligns with your strategic goals and addresses your unique business challenges.

    Data Preparation

    Accurate and reliable data is the foundation of any successful AI initiative. At Paradiso, we assist in preparing and cleaning your data, ensuring it’s structured and ready for analysis. This critical step involves data collection, validation, and preprocessing to guarantee the highest quality inputs for AI model development.

    Domain-specific Model Development

    Our team specializes in developing AI models tailored to your industry and specific business needs. We leverage domain-specific knowledge to create custom models that deliver precise and relevant insights, optimizing performance and ensuring that the solutions are perfectly aligned with your operational requirements.

    Maintenance and Support

    Ongoing maintenance and support are essential for sustaining AI performance and relevance. Paradiso provides continuous monitoring, updates, and troubleshooting to keep your AI systems running smoothly. Our dedicated support team is always available to address any issues and ensure your AI solutions deliver long-term value.


    To ensure your team is well-equipped to leverage AI technologies, Paradiso offers extensive training programs. We build AI fluency across your organization, empowering your staff with the knowledge and skills needed to utilize AI tools effectively, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

    AI Integration

    Seamless integration of AI technologies into your existing systems is crucial for maximizing their potential. Our experts ensure that the transition is smooth and disruption-free, embedding AI solutions into your workflows and IT infrastructure to enhance capabilities and drive operational excellence.

    AI Solutions Development

    We have built Paradiso Indra AI platform which jumpstarts your development. It is commercial open source so we can customize it for your specific needs and give you the source code as part of the project delivery. This saves you significant cost and time. Indra AI platform consists of copilot builder, media generator, content generator and automation middleware. The automation middleware has 100+ integrations with various applications such as Outlook, Shopify, WordPress, Zendesk, SAP, salesforce, and 100+ more.

    Paradiso excels in building comprehensive AI solutions that address your unique challenges. From predictive analytics and intelligent automation to advanced machine learning applications, we develop robust AI systems designed to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and deliver tangible business results.

    Our Roadmap to Success

    Establish Governance Framework

    We create a governance framework to ensure ethical, secure, and compliant AI use with clear policies and procedures.

    Execute AI Enhancements

    Our team implements AI improvements to enhance processes, boost efficiency, and improve performance.

    Transform Your Organization

    Leveraging advanced AI, we foster a culture of innovation and agility, ensuring sustained competitive advantage.

    Discover Opportunities

    We analyze your business to identify areas where AI can significantly impact automation, optimization, and innovation.

    Develop and Implement AI Strategy

    We craft a tailored AI strategy to integrate technologies effectively and achieve your business goals.

    Design and Launch Custom AI Solutions

    We design custom AI solutions to meet your specific needs, aligning with your operational and industry requirements.

    Industries we serve







    AI Solutions Tailored for
    Departmental Excellence

    Training & Development



    Human Resources

    Executive Leadership


    AI Models We Have Expertise In

    Our AI Development Technology Stack


























    Core ML








    G Cloud


    MS Cognitive Toolkit



    Frequently asked questions

    The timeline for seeing results from AI consulting can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the specific solutions being implemented. We have delivered some pilots in 2 weeks and others have taken a few months.
    The cost of AI consulting services can vary based on the scope and scale of the project, the specific AI solutions required, and the duration of the engagement. For pilot projects, the cost can be as low as a few thousand dollars. We offer competitive pricing and customized packages to ensure that our services are accessible and provide significant return on investment for our clients.
    Yes, our AI consulting services include the integration of AI technologies with your existing legacy systems. We ensure a seamless transition by carefully assessing your current infrastructure, developing compatible AI solutions, and providing ongoing support to maintain system coherence and efficiency.
    We ensure the ethical use of AI in our projects by adhering to strict ethical guidelines and principles. This includes transparency in AI decision-making processes, avoiding bias in AI models, ensuring privacy and security of data, and regularly reviewing and auditing our AI implementations to maintain ethical standards.
    We offer comprehensive post-implementation support to ensure the long-term success of your AI solutions. This includes regular system maintenance, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, updates, and ongoing training for your team to maximize the effectiveness and longevity of the AI systems.